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- Is taurine the ambrosia of longevity? Could be - if you are a worm, mouse or monkey! But what about human?
Is taurine the ambrosia of longevity? Could be - if you are a worm, mouse or monkey! But what about human?

Taurine, an amino acid used by bodybuilders and added to energy and sports drinks, may be an “ambrosia of longevity,” according to recent studies - at least for worms, mice, and monkeys.
Whether the findings can be applied to humans is a matter of current scientific debate.
Aging involves a range of physiological transformations, from the smallest organelles to entire organ systems, and the underlying molecular causes are still being unraveled.
In their research, Singh and colleagues observed that taurine levels, a semi-essential amino acid, diminish with age (please take a look at McGaunn and Baur's Perspective for more insights, Taurine linked with healthy aging, Joseph McGaunn, Joseph A Baur, Science, 2023 Jun 9;380(6649):1010-1011. doi: 10.1126/science.adi3025. Epub 2023 Jun 8.).
Adding Taurine to the diet appeared to slow down aging indicators like DNA damage, telomerase shortages, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cellular aging. In humans, a decline in taurine levels was linked to diseases commonly associated with aging.
Furthermore, taurine levels and its derivatives were found to rise following physical exercise.
Remarkably, taurine supplementation extended mice's lifespan and enhanced monkeys' health span.

How Taurine may work fighting aging. From Science.org, https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn9257
Explanation of image
As we age, the level of Taurine in our blood decreases (top left). Counteracting this decline with taurine supplements resulted in a longer healthy lifespan for mice and worms, though it did not affect yeast (bottom left and top middle).
Taurine supplementation influenced various vital aspects of aging (middle). In human studies, reduced taurine levels were linked with multiple diseases (top right).
A comprehensive randomized controlled clinical trial is necessary to thoroughly evaluate Taurine's potential anti-aging benefits in humans (bottom right). BMI refers to body mass index.
(2) Short read
Aging, a complex and inevitable process, involves various changes collectively known as the "hallmarks of aging." These changes lead to diminished organ function and heightened disease and mortality risks.
Aging correlates with shifts in molecular concentrations, like metabolites, but whether these are aging byproducts or active aging drivers is unclear.
Identifying blood-based aging drivers and restoring their levels to youthful states could offer new anti-aging strategies.
Rationale: Taurine, a critical semi-essential micronutrient and abundant amino acid, is linked to health in humans and other eukaryotes.
Its role in aging, particularly whether its blood levels impact aging, has recently been examined by studying Taurine's blood levels over time and its potential to enhance healthspan and lifespan across species.
Results: Taurine levels in the blood decrease with age in humans, monkeys, and mice. To explore this decline's impact on aging, taurine supplements were provided to middle-aged C57Bl/6J mice of both genders.
The taurine-treated group lived longer than controls, with median life spans increasing by 10 to 12% and life expectancy at 28 months by 18 to 25%.
Beyond longevity, the study examined health span improvements in taurine-fed mice, noting better functioning in bones, muscles, pancreas, brain, fat, gut, and immune systems. Monkeys showed similar enhancements. In other species, taurine extended worms' life spans but didn't affect unicellular yeast.
Taurine's positive effects on aging hallmarks included reducing cellular aging, combating telomerase deficiency, mitigating mitochondrial dysfunction, lowering DNA damage, and lessening inflammation.
In humans, lower taurine levels correlated with health risks like abdominal obesity, hypertension, inflammation, and type 2 diabetes prevalence. Exercise increased blood taurine metabolites, potentially linking exercise's anti-aging effects to taurine.
Conclusion Taurine levels naturally decrease with age, but supplementation can enhance the health span and life span in mice and worms and the health span in monkeys.
This may suggest taurine deficiency is an aging driver in these species. To determine if this applies to humans, extensive, controlled long-term studies on taurine supplementation, focusing on health span and life span, are necessary.
Sourced from: Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging - PARMINDER SINGH, KISHORE GOLLAPALLI, STEFANO MANGIOLA, DANIELA SCHRANNER, MOHD ASLAM YUSUF, MANISH CHAMOLI, STING L. SHI, BRUNO LOPES BASTOS, TRIPTI NAIR, [...], AND VIJAY K. YADAV, +46 authors, SCIENCE, 9 Jun 2023, Vol 380, Issue 6649, DOI: 10.1126/science.abn9257

Is Taurine the ambrosia of longevity? It could be - if you are a worm, mouse, or monkey! But human? Image by Dall E3 from a prompt by Thomas Look
(3) Deep dive
Aging involves alterations in the circulating levels of various molecules, including some that are not yet fully identified. Recent research has revealed that taurine levels in the bloodstream decrease as mice, monkeys, and humans age.
Counteracting this decline with taurine supplements led to an increase in both the health span (the duration of a healthy life) and life span in mice and improved monkey healthspan.
Taurine achieved these effects by reducing cellular aging, safeguarding against telomerase shortages, alleviating mitochondrial dysfunction, minimizing DNA damage, and lessening age-related inflammation.
In human subjects, reduced taurine levels were linked with numerous aging-related illnesses, and taurine levels rose following intense endurance exercise.
Therefore, a taurine deficiency might be a critical factor in aging, given its ability to extend healthspan in worms, rodents, and primates, and lifespan in worms and rodents. Conducting clinical trials in humans to investigate if taurine deficiency contributes to human aging seems a logical next step.
Taurine and small clinical trials
Taurine is an amino acid, but it contains a sulfonic acid and a b-amine, making it structurally and chemically distinct from the more familiar amino acids forming proteins.
Although nearly absent in most plants, taurine makes up as much as 0.1% of the body weight of animals. Humans synthesize taurine but depend on exogenous sources in early life when production is insufficient to support development, making it semi-essential. In species with deficient synthesis, such as cats, taurine remains essential throughout adulthood; inadequate intake leads rapidly to retinal damage, immunological issues, and cardiomyopathy.
In humans, small clinical trials of taurine supplementation in adults have suggested benefits in metabolic and inflammatory diseases (3, (4). Yet, precisely what taurine does in most cases remains poorly understood. Singh et al. (5) prove that taurine maintains health in aged animal models.

Taurine, brain cells, and aging
For many years, the belief prevailed that the production of new brain cells ceases after full growth in adulthood. However, recent research has debunked this myth, revealing that adults of any age can generate new brain cells.
Taurine, an affordable supplement, has been found to support this rejuvenating process significantly. It offers protection against neurotoxins, potentially decelerating age-related neurological deterioration.1,2
Preclinical studies have demonstrated Taurine's effectiveness in mitigating the type of brain damage typically seen in stroke or brain injury cases.3-9
Early life consumption of Taurine has been linked to enhanced cognitive function in older adults.10
The body naturally produces taurine in limited quantities.1,11 To increase taurine levels, one must rely on dietary sources or supplementation.
The functions of Taurine
Taurine, a vital amino acid, plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of cells throughout the body. Its importance is particularly evident in the optimal functioning of mitochondria, the cellular structures that generate energy for cells.12,13
As we age, mitochondrial efficiency declines, leading to reduced cellular function and a decreased ability to cope with stress and injury.14
This effect is most pronounced in the brain,15 one of the body's most energy-demanding organs. Beyond these roles, Taurine offers multiple benefits for brain health, including:
Encouraging the growth of new brain cells,2,16,17
Guarding against excitotoxicity, which is harmful over-activity in the brain,18
Protecting against various brain-damaging toxins,19-21
Reducing the impact of brain damage from strokes and head injuries,3-9
Maintaining normal cell function and energy levels by managing calcium levels, safeguarding cell membranes, and more.3,22,23
Through these various actions, Taurine could play a crucial role in protecting the aging brain from cognitive decline, dementia, and the effects of strokes, head injuries, and neurotoxins.
Neurogenesis: Fine-tuning brain health
Research in preclinical studies has highlighted that Taurine enhances the generation of new brain cells, a process known as Neurogenesis.1,2 Neurogenesis is crucial for maintaining healthy brain functionality throughout aging.
Initially, Neurogenesis during brain development involves brain cell growth, division, and maturation. However, this process doesn't cease post-development.
Maintaining functional brain cells and their interconnections is essential throughout our lives. These connections are critical for everything from motor control to complex cognitive tasks like speaking, learning, and memory.
As we age, Neurogenesis diminishes, leading to brain shrinkage and a reduction in these vital neural connections, potentially triggering cognitive decline and dementia.
Taurine, by promoting new brain cell growth,1 may be a key player in counteracting cognitive decline associated with aging.
Various cellular and animal studies indicate that Taurine can rejuvenate brain stem cells, foster new brain cell growth, and support their longevity.1,2,16,17,24-26
This effect is evident in both young, developing brains and older brains. Notably, in a study involving middle-aged mice, Taurine activated stem cells in the hippocampus, a region vital for memory formation. This finding is particularly significant in the context of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Besides stimulating stem cells, Taurine also aids in generating and surviving new cells while curbing harmful brain inflammation.1
Guarding against excitotoxicity
Excitotoxicity is a well-known contributor to damage from traumatic brain injury and stroke.27 Recently, it has also been linked to dementia progression in the elderly.28
Excitotoxicity occurs when brain cells are damaged or killed due to the overactivation of specific brain receptors, often involving the neurotransmitter glutamate.
Glutamate is essential for normal brain function, facilitating communication between nerve cells and playing a role in learning and memory.
However, chronic, excessive glutamate levels can overstimulate brain cells, leading to dysfunction and cell death.29
Taurine offers protection against excitotoxicity by mitigating the overactivation caused by excess glutamate.3,18,30 Normally, cells exposed to high glutamate concentrations die quickly. But cells pre-treated with Taurine can survive these harsh conditions.
This discovery is significant considering the pivotal role of excitotoxicity in the development of many common brain disorders.
Combatting brain damage with Taurine
Taurine, known for its defense against excitotoxicity and cell death prevention, is well-suited for combating age-related nervous system degeneration, including Alzheimer's and dementia.
Animal research indicates Taurine reduces two additional factors contributing to cognitive decline and dementia risk: beta-amyloid toxicity and inflammation.30-32
A study in Neuropharmacology demonstrated Taurine's protective effect on rat brain cells against beta-amyloid toxicity.30 Taurine's ability to bind directly to beta-amyloid, observed in an Alzheimer's mouse model, correlated with improved cognitive functioning.31
A rat study also revealed Taurine's role in preserving brain function, combating oxidative stress, enhancing neurotransmission, and reducing inflammation.32

Taurine: A shield against dementia? Image by Dall E3 from a prompt by Thomas Look
Taurine: A shield against dementia?
South Korean researchers found a link between taurine intake and reduced dementia risk in the elderly.10 Elderly dementia patients had significantly lower past taurine intake compared to healthy peers, with an average 18% higher intake in healthy individuals.10 Higher taurine consumption correlated with better cognitive function.
Another study showed that 1,500 mg of taurine daily, combined with bi-weekly exercise, reduced inflammation and improved cognitive scores in elderly women over 14 weeks.33 These findings suggest Taurine's vital role in maintaining brain health and protecting against Alzheimer's and dementia.
Mitigating stroke effects
Strokes, divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic types, can severely affect cognition.
Ischemic strokes, caused by reduced brain blood flow, lead to cell death and loss of function.34 Taurine supplementation in an ischemic stroke animal model reduced brain damage by about 55%.9 It also lessened oxidative stress and improved energy production in the brain.
Hemorrhagic strokes, less common but still significant in older individuals, also showed reduced brain damage and inflammation in rats treated with Taurine.8

Mitigating stroke effects with Taurine? Image by Dall E3 from a prompt by Thomas Look
Taurine's potential role in reducing head injury effects
Head injuries, particularly challenging for the elderly, can lead to significant brain function loss. Preclinical studies have shown Taurine's efficacy in improving outcomes from such injuries.4-7,35 In one study, Taurine minimized brain cell damage and improved blood flow and mitochondrial function after head injuries in rats.7
Other animal studies confirm Taurine's protective and functional improvement effects post-head injury.4-6
Shielding the brain from neurotoxins
Taurine could offer protection against neurotoxins that harm the nervous system.
For example, high glucose levels in diabetes can cause inflammation, oxidative stress, and DNA damage in the brain. A study showed Taurine reducing these harmful effects in diabetes-induced rats.36
Additionally, Taurine protected animal brains from the toxic effects of various compounds, including arsenic and volatile gases.19-21 This underscores Taurine's potential as a neuroprotective agent.
Taurine is critical for normal brain functions.
It helps maintain a healthy mitochondrial energy supply, which is typically diminished with aging.
It can spur the growth of new brain cells, also in old age.
Maintaining adequate taurine levels may help reduce age-related threats to cognitive functions. This may include neurotoxins, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
In preclinical studies, Taurine has been shown to support brain function. It has also been shown to shield against dementia-associated changes and various forms of brain injury.
(4) Utility
Taurine, an essential amino acid, plays a vital role in maintaining the health of cells, especially in the brain, an organ with high activity levels.
Intriguingly, Taurine may potentially enhance the generation of new brain cells, regardless of age.
It may also offer protection against harmful elements like toxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Consequently, Taurine might be instrumental in averting age-related mental deterioration, dementia, and damage due to stroke or head injuries.
The human body naturally produces Taurine but only in minimal quantities. Supplementing with Taurine may be a proper way to ensure maintaining the levels needed to sustain optimal brain function well into later years.
Taurine is a compact amino acid; a daily intake of 1,000 mg can be easily achieved with just one capsule.
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